Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Exam 2015
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts a competitive examination for recruitment and selection to the post of Geologist, Geophysicist and Chemist Group 'A' in GSI and Junior Hydro-geologist (Scientist 'B'), Group 'A' for Central Ground Water Board.
Important Dates
Exam Pattern
There are four papers in each category. General English is common for all categories. The examination in all the subjects is of conventional type.
Category - I: Geologists
Paper I Syllabus
Section A: Geomorphology and Remote Sensing
Basic principles. Weathering and soils, Mass
wasting. Influence of climate on processes. Concept of erosion cycles.
Geomorphology of fluvial tracts, arid zones, coastal regions, ‘Karst’
landscapes and glaciated ranges. Geomorphic mapping, slope analysis and
drainage basin analysis. Applications of geomorphology in mineral
prospecting, civil engineering, hydrology and environmental
studies. Topographical maps. Geomorphology of India. Concepts and
principles of aerial photography and photogrammetry, satellite
remote sensing — data products and their interpretation. Digital image
processing. Remotesensing in landform and land use mapping, structural mapping,
hydrogeological studies and mineral exploration. Global and Indian Space
Missions. Geographic Information System (GIS) — principles and
Section B: Structural Geology
Principles of geological mapping and map
reading, projection diagrams. Stressstrain relationships of elastic, plastic
and viscous materials. Measurement of strain in deformed rocks. Behaviour
of minerals and rocks under deformation conditions. Structural analysis of
folds, cleavages, lineations, joints and faults. Superposed deformation.
Mechanism of folding and faulting. Time-relationship between
crystallization and deformation. Unconformities and
basement-cover relations. Structural behaviour of igneous rocks, diapirs
and salt domes. Introduction to petrofabrics.
Section C: Geotectonics
Earth and the solar system, Meteorites and
other extra-terrestrial materials, Planetary evolution of the earth and
its internal structure. Heterogeneity of the earth’s crust. Major tectonic
features of the Oceanic and Continental crust. Continental drift —
geological and geophysical evidence, mechanics, objections, present
status. Gravity and magnetic anomalies at Mid-ocean ridges, deep
sea trenches, continental shield areas and mountain chains.
Palaeomagnetism. Seafloor spreading and Plate Tectonics. Island arcs,
Oceanic islands and volcanic arcs. Isostasy, orogeny and epeirogeny. Seismic
belts of the earth. Seismicity and plate movements. Geodynamics of the
Indian plate.
Section D: Stratigraphy
Nomenclature and the modern stratigraphic
code. Radioisotopes and measuring geological time. Geological time-scale.
Stratigraphic procedures of correlation of unfossiliferous rocks.
Precambrian stratigraphy of India. Stratigraphy of the Palaeozoic,
Mesozoic and Cenozoic formations of India. Gondwana system
and Gondwanaland. Rise of the Himalaya and evolution of Siwalik basin.
Deccan Volcanics. Quaternary Stratigraphy. Rock record, palaeoclimates
and palaeogeography.
Section E: Palaeontology
Fossil record and geological time-scale.
Morphology and time-ranges of fossil groups. Evolutionary changes in
molluscs and mammals in geological time. Principles of evolution. Use of
species and genera of foraminifera and echinodermata in biostratigraphic
correlation. Siwalik vertebrate fauna and Gondwana flora, evidence of life
in Precambrian times, different microfossil groups and their distribution
in India.
UPSC GE Geology Paper II Syllabus
A: Mineralogy
chemical and crystallographic characteristics of common rock
forming silicate mineral groups. Structural classification of silicates.
Common minerals of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Minerals of the
carbonate, phosphate, sulphide and halide groups. Optical properties
of common rock forming silicate minerals, uniaxial and biaxial minerals.
Extinction angles, pleochroism, birefringence of minerals and
their relation with mineral composition. Twinned crystals. Dispersion.
Application of universal stage (4 axes/5 axes) in determining optical
Section B: Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
textures and structures of igneous rocks. Silicate melt equilibria,
binary and pernery phase diagrams. Petrology and geotectonic evolution of
granites, basalts, andesites and alkaline rocks. Petrology of gabbros,
kimberlites, anorthosites and carbonatites. Origin of primary basic
magmas. Textures and structures of metamorphic rocks. Regional and contact
metamorphism of pelitic and impure calcareous rocks. Mineral assemblages
equilibrium/Reaction textures and geo-thermo barometry. Experimental and
thermodynamic appraisal of metamorphic reactions. Characteristics of
different grades and facies of metamorphism. Metasomatism and
granitization, migmatites. Plate tectonics and metamorphic zones. Paired
metamorphic belts.
Section C: Sedimentology
and diagenesis of sediments. Sedimentary textures. Framework matrix and
cement of terrigenous sediments. Definition, measurement and
interpretation of grain size. Elements of hydraulics. Primary structures,
palaeocurrent analysis. Biogenic and chemical sedimentary structures.
Sedimentary environment and facies. Facies modelling for marine,
non-marine and mixed sediments. Tectonics and sedimentation.
Classification and definition of sedimentary basins, Sedimentary basins of
India. Cyclic sediments. Seismic and sequence stratigraphy. Purpose and
scope of basin analysis. Structure contours and isopach maps.
Section D: Geochemistry
in relation to the solar system and universe, cosmic abundance of
elements. Composition of the planets and meteorites. Structure and
composition of earth and distribution of elements. Trace elements.
Elementary crystal chemistry and thermodynamics. Introduction to isotope
geochemistry. Geochemistry of hydrosphere, biosphere and atmosphere.
Geochemical cycle and principles of geochemical prospecting.
Section E: Environmental Geology
and principles. Natural hazards - preventive/precautionary measures
- floods, landslides, earthquakes, river and coastal erosion. Impact
assessment of anthropogenic activities such as urbanization, open cast
mining and quarrying, river-valley projects, disposal of industrial and
radio-active waste, excess withdrawal of ground water, use of fertilizers,
dumping of ores, mine waste and fly-ash. Organic and inorganic
contamination of ground water and their remedial measures. Soil
degradation and remedial measures. Environment protection - legislative
measures in India.
UPSC GE Geology Paper III Syllabus
A: Indian mineral deposits and mineral economics
and distribution in India of metalliferous deposits - base metals, iron,
manganese, aluminium, chromium, nickel, gold, silver, molybdenum.
Indian deposits of non-metals — mica, asbestos, barytes, gypsum, graphite,
apatite and beryl. Gemstones, refractory minerals, abrasives and minerals
used in glass, fertilizer, paint, ceramic and cement industries. Building
stones. Phosphorite deposits. Placer deposits, rare earth
minerals. Strategic, critical and essential minerals. India’s status in
mineral production. Changing patterns of mineral consumption. National
Mineral Policy. Mineral Concession Rules. Marine mineral resources and Law
of Sea.
Section B: Ore genesis
deposits and ore minerals. Magmatic processes of mineralisation.
Porphyry, skarn and hydrothermal mineralisation. Fluid inclusion studies.
Mineralisation associated with — (i) ultramafic, mafic and acidic rocks,
(ii) greenstone belts, (iii) komatiites, anorthosites and kimberlites and
(iv) submarine volcanism. Magmarelated mineralisation through geological time.
Stratiform and stratabound ores. Ores and metamorphism — cause and effect
Section C: Mineral exploration
of surface and subsurface exploration, prospecting for economic minerals —
drilling, sampling and assaying. Geophysical techniques — gravity,
electrical, magnetic, airborne and seismic. Geomorphological and remote
sensing techniques. Geobotanical and geochemical methods. Borehole logging
and surveys for deviation.
Section D: Geology of fuels
origin of coal. Stratigraphy of coal measures. Fundamentals of coal petrology,
peat, lignite, bituminous and anthracite coal. Microscopic constituents of
coal. Industrial application of coal petrology. Indian coal deposits.
Diagenesis of organic materials. Origin, migration and entrapment of
natural hydorcarbons. Characters of source and reservoir rocks.
Structural, stratigraphic and mixed traps. Techniques of exploration.
Geographical and geological distributions of onshore and
offshore petroliferous basins of India. Mineralogy and geochemistry
of radioactive minerals. Instrumental techniques of detection and
measurement of radioactivity. Radioactive methods for prospecting and
assaying of mineral deposits. Distribution of radioactive minerals in
India. Radioactive methods in petroleum exploration — well logging
techniques. Nuclear waste disposal — geological constraints.
Section E: Engineering Geology
properties of rocks and soils. Geological investigations for river
valley projects — Dams and reservoirs; tunnels — types, methods and
problems. Bridges — types and foundation problems. Shoreline engineering.
Landslides — classification, causes, prevention and rehabilitation.
Concrete aggregates — sources, alkali-aggregate reaction. Aseismic
designing — seismicity in India and earthquake-resistant structures.
Problems of groundwater in engineering projects. Geotechnical case studies
of major projects in India.
Geophysics Paper I Syllabus
A: 100 Marks
Solid Earth Geophysics:
Introduction to Geophysics its branches and relationship with
other sciences. Solar system, its origin, characteristics of planetary
members, Earth; its rotation and figure. Age of earth & various
methods of determination. Tectonics and Geodynamics, Thermal history and
its characteristics. Gravity field of earth and Isostasy.
elements of earth's magnetism: Internal, External fields and their causes,
Paleomagnetism, Polar wandering paths, Seafloor spreading,
geophysical evidences. Elastic waves, internal structure of earth,
variation of physical properties in the interior of earth.
Earthquake and Engineering Seismology:
earthquakes, focal depth, epicenter, great Indian earthquakes,
Intensity and Magnitude scales, Energy of earthquakes, foreshocks,
aftershocks, Elastic rebound theory, Fault plane solutions, Seismicity and
Seismotectonics of India, Frequency-Magnitude relation (b values),
Velocity structure, Vp/Vs studies. Elastic waves, their propagation
Seismic ray theory for spherically and horzontally stratified
earth, basic principles of Seismic Tomography and receiver function analysis,
Seismic network and arrays, telemetry systems, Earthquake prediction; dilatancy theory, short-term, middle-term and long- term
predictions, Seismic microzonation studies, application for engineering problems,
Seismometry, Principle of electromagnetic seismograph, displacement
meters, velocity meter, accelerometer, WWSSN stations, Strong motion
seismograph, seismic arrays for detection of nuclear explosions, Broadband
Mathematical methods in Geophysics:
Properties of scalars, vectors and tensors, Elements of vector
analysis, Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Gauss's divergence theorem,
Stokes theorem, Definition of fields, Gravitational field, Newton's Law of
gravitation, Gravitation potential and fields due to bodies of different
geometric shapes, Electrostatic field, Coulomb's law, Electrical
permittivity and dielectric constant, Basic guiding equations, Magneto static field, Origin of Magnetic field, Ampere's law, Biot and
Savart's law, Geomagnetic fields, Magnetic fields due to different type of
structures, Solution of Laplace equation in Cartesian Coordinate, Cylindrical
Polar Coordinate and Spherical Polar Coordinate, Complex Variables in
Potential theory, Green's theorem in Potential Theory.
Concept of Image in Potential Theory, Analytical continuation in
Potential fields, Numerical Methods in Potential Theory. Electrical fields
in geophysics, point source, continuous distribution and double layers,
equipotential and line of force. Current and potential in the earth, basic
concept and equations of electromagnetic, Maxwell's equations, boundary
conditions, elliptic polarization, electromagnetic potential and waves,
radiation from dipoles, retarded potential, near and far fields, radiation
resistance, EM field of a loops of wire on half space, multi-layered
media, impedance and its application.
Geophysical Inversion:
Fundamental concepts of inverse theory, Basic definition of
inversions with application to Geophysics. Probability, Inverses with
discrete and continuous models. Forward problems versus Inverse problems.
Formulation of inverse problems and their relation to a matrix problem,
linear inverse problems, classification of inverse problems, least square
solutions and minimum norm solution, concept of norms, concept of 'a
priori' information, constrained linear least square inversion, review
of matrix theory Introduction to finite difference method, forward,
backward and central difference mthod.
Application of finite difference method for solving Helmholtz
equation. Introduction to finite element method, various steps, simple examples
showing application of finite element method. Models and data spaces,
householder transformation, data resolution matrix, model resolution matrix,
Eigen values and Eigen vectors, singular value decomposition (SVD),
generalized inverses, Non-linear inverse problems, Gauss Newton method,
steepest descent (gradient) method, Marquardt-Levenberg method, Earthquake
location problem, tomography problem. Probabilistic approach of inverse
problems, maximum likelihood and stochastic inverse methods,
Backus-Gilbert method, Global optimization techniques, genetic algorithm,
simulated annealing methods, examples of inverting geophysical data.
Part B: 100 Marks
Mathematical Methods of Physics:
Dimensional analysis, Vector algebra and vector calculus, Linear
algebra, matrices, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem. Eigen values and eigenvectors.
Linear ordinary differential equations of first & second order,
Special functions (Hermite, Bessel, Laguerre and Legendre functions).
Fourier series, Fourier and Laplace transforms. Elements of complex
analysis, analytic functions; Taylor & Laurent series; poles, residues
and evaluation of integrals. Elementary probability theory, random variables,
binomial, Poisson and normal distributions. Central limit theorem. Green's
Partial differential equations (Laplace, wave and heat equations
in two and three dimensions). Elements of computational techniques: root of
functions, interpolation, and extrapolation, integration by trapezoid and
Simpson's rule, solution of first order differential equation using Runge-Kutta
method. Finite difference methods. Tensors.
Introductory group theory: SU (2), O (3). Complex Variables,
Beta, Gamma functions and special functions, Laplace Transform & Fourier
series, Fourier Transforms, Introductory methods of Numerical analysis.
Operators and their properties.
Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics:
Laws of thermodynamics and their consequences; Thermodynamic
potentials, Maxwell relations; Chemical potential, phase equilibria; Phase
space, micro- and macrostates; Micro canonical, canonical and
grand-canonical ensembles and partition functions; Free Energy and connection
with thermodynamic quantities; First and second-order phase
transitions; Classical and quantum statistics, ideal Fermi and Bose gases;
Principle of detailed balance; Blackbody radiation and
Planck's distribution law; Bose-Einstein condensation; Random walk and
Brownian motion; Introduction to non equilibrium processes; Diffusion
Gauss Theorem, Poison's equation, Laplace's equation, solution
to Laplace's equation in Cartesian coordinates, spherical, cylindrical coordinates,
use of Laplace's equation in the solutions of electrostatic problems.
Ampere's circuital law, magnetic vector potential, displacement current,
Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction.
Maxwell's equations, differential and integral forms, physical
significance of Maxwell's equations. Wave equation, plane electromagnetic
waves in free space, in non conducting isotropic medium, in conducting
medium, electromagnetic vector an scalar potentials, uniqueness of
electromagnetic potentials and concept of gauge, Lorentz gauge, Columb
gauge, charged particles in electric and magnetic fields, charged
particles in uniform electric field, charged particle in homogeneous mag netic fields, charged particles in simultaneous electric and
magnetic fields, charged particles in non homogeneous magnetic fields.
Lienard - Wiechert potentials, electromagnetic fields from Lienard - Wiechert
potentials of a moving charge, electromagnetic fields of a uniformly moving
charge, radiation due to non-relativistic charges, radiation damping,
Abrahama-Lorentz formula, Cherenkov radiation, radiation due to oscillatory
electric dipole, radiation due to small current element.
for plasma existence, occurrence of plasma, magneto hydrodynamics, plasma
waves. Transformation of electromagnetic potentials, Lorentz condition
in covariant form, invariance or covariance of Maxwell field equations in
terms of 4 vectors, electromagnetic field tensor, Lorentz transformation
of electric and magnetic fields.
Introductory Atmospheric and Space Physics:
The Neutral atmosphere, atmospheric nomenclature, the
Hydrostatic equation, geopotential height, expansion and contraction,
fundamental forces in the atmosphere, apparent forces,
atmospheric composition, solar radiation interaction with the neutral
atmosphere, climate change. Electromagnetic radiation and propagation
of Waves: EM Radiation, fundamentals of EM waves, effects of
environment, Antennas-basic considerations, types of antennas. Propagation
of Waves: ground wave, sky wave, and space wave propagation, troposcatter
communication and extra terrestrial communication. The Ionosphere,
morphology of ionosphere, the D, E and F-regions, chemistry of the
ionosphere, ionospheric parameters, E and F region anomalies and irregularities
in the ionosphere. Global Positioning Systems (GPS)-basic concepts,
overview of GPS system, augmentation services, GPS system segment, GPS signal
characteristics, GPS errors, multi path effects, GPS performance, satellite
navigation system and applications.
Geophysics Paper II Syllabus
100 Marks
Geophysical Potential Fields (Gravity and Magnetic)
potential fields, Inverse square law of field, Principles of Gravity
and Magnetic methods, Geoid, Spheroid, Nature of gravity and its variation,
Properties of Newtonian potential, Laplace's and Poisons equations,
Green's theorem, Gauss law, Concept of Bouguer gravity anomaly, Rock
densities, factors controlling rock densities, determination of density,
theory of isostasy, Earth's main magnetic field, origin, temporal
variations, Geomagnetic elements, Columb's law of magnetic force and
fields, intensity of magnetization and induction, magnetic potential and its
relation to field, units of measurement, origin of magnetic anomalies, interrelationship between
different components of anomalies, Poison's relation, Magnetic susceptibility,
factors controlling susceptibility (Bulk chemistry, cooling history,
metamorphism..), magnetic minerals, rock classification, Natural and remnant
magnetism, Asiatic and Spinner magnetometers, demagnetization effects.
Principles of Gravity and Magnetic instruments, Plan of conducting GM
surveys, reduction of gravity and magnetic data, Airborne magnetic surveys
and magnetic gradient surveys, Shipborne surveys, Gravity and Magnetic
data reduction, IGSN Gravity bases, International Gravity formula, IGRF
corrections for magnetic field. Separation of regional and residual
anomalies, ambiguity in interpretation, Application of GM surveys for
Geodynamic studies, Mineral Exploration, Environmental
studies…Data processing and interpretation of anomalies, modeling of
b. Electrical and Electromagnetic methods:
Electrical properties of rocks and their measurement, concepts and
assumptions of horizontally stratified earth, anisotropy and its effects
on electrical fields, the geo electric section and geological section, D.C
Resistivity method, fundamental laws, concept on natural electric field,
electrode configuration, choice of methods, Profiling, Vertical Electrical
Sounding.SP Method, Origin of SP, application of SP surveys, Origin
of Induced Polarization, Membrane and Electrode potential, time and
frequency domains of measurement, IP, chargeability, percent frequency
effect and metal factor, dipole theory of IP, Application of IP surveys
for mineral exploration (disseminated sulphides).
Electromagnetic methods/ Telluric/Magneto Telluric methods,
Passive and Active source methods, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic
potential and wave equations, boundary conditions, long wave length
approximation, depth of penetration, amplitude and phase relations, real
and imaginary components, Principles of EM prospecting, various EM
methods, Dip angle method, Turam method, moving
source-receiver methods-horizontal loop (Slingram) method, AFMAG, and VLF
methods, Airborne EM systems - rotary field method, INPUT method, EM
Profiling and sounding, Interpretation of EM anomalies, Principles of
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Origin and characteristics of MT fields,
Instrumentation, Field methods and interpretation of MT data and
c. Seismic Prospecting:
Basic principles of seismic methods, Fermat's principle, Senell's
law, Reflection, refraction and diffraction from multilayered medium,
Reflection and transmission coefficients, propagation model for exploration
seismology, Seismic resolution, Seismic absorption and anisotropy, Seismic
data acquisition, sources of energy, Geophones, geometry of arrays,
Instrumentation, digital recording Seismic Surveys: Principle
for multilayer refraction Travel time curves, corrections, Interpretation
of data, Reflection principles, CDP, data processing, corrections, NMO
correction, Interpretation of data, Fundamental of VSP method, Seismic
Tomography. Principles of High Resolution Seismic (HRS) for coal
d. Borehole Geophysics (Principles of Well logging):
Objectives of well logging, fundamental concepts in borehole
geophysics, borehole conditions, properties of reservoir rock formations,
formation parameters and their relationships-formation factor, porosity,
permeability, formation water resistivity, water saturation, irreducible
water saturation, hydrocarbon saturation, residual hydrocarbon saturation;
Arhcie's and Humble's equations; principles, instrumentations,
operational procedures and interpretations of various geophysical logs, SP
log, resistivity and micro resistivity logs, nuclear/radioactive logs,
acoustic impedance and propagation logs, temperature log, caliper log and
directional logs; production logging; clean sand and shaly sand
interpretations; overlay and cross-plots of well-log data,
determination of formation lithology, sub-surface correlation and mapping,
delineation of fractures; application of well-logging in hydrocarbon,
groundwater, coal, metallic and non-metallic mineral exploration.
PART-B: 100
Atomic and Molecular Physics and Properties and Characterization of materials:
Quantum states of an electron in an atom; Electron spin;
Stern-Gerlach experiment; Spectrum of Hydrogen, helium and alkali atoms;
Relativistic corrections for energy levels of hydrogen; Hyperfine structure and
isotopic shift; width of spectral lines; LS & JJ coupling; Zeeman, Paschen
Back & Stark effect; X-ray spectroscopy; Electron spin resonance,
Nuclear magnetic resonance, chemical shift; Rotational, vibrational,
electronic, and Raman spectra of diatomic molecules; Frank - Condon principle
and selection rules; Spontaneous and stimulated emission, Einstein A & B
coefficients; Lasers, optical pumping, population inversion, rate
equation; Modes of resonators and coherence length. Thermal properties, optical
properties, fundamentals of transmission electron microscopy, study of crystal
structure using TEM, study of microstructure using SEM. Resonance methods-
Spin and an applied field- the nature of spinning particles, interaction
between spin and a magnetic field, population on energy levels, the Larmor
precession, relaxation times - spin-spin relation, spin-lattice
relaxation, Electron spin resonance- Introduction, g factor, experimental
methods, Nuclear Magnetic resonance- equations of motion, line width
motional narrowing, hyperfine splitting, Nuclear Gamma Resonance: Principles
of Mossbauer Spectroscopy, Line width, Resonance absorption, Mossbauer
Spectrometer, Isomer Shift, Quadrupole splitting, magnetic field effects,
Nuclear and Particle Physics:
nuclear properties: size, shape, charge distribution, spin and parity; Binding energy,
semi-empirical mass formula; Liquid drop model; Fission and fusion; Nature
of the nuclear force, form of nucleon-nucleon potential;
Charge-independence and charge-symmetry of nuclear forces; Isospin;
Deuteron problem; Evidence of shell structure, single- particle shell
model, its validity and limitations; Rotational spectra; Elementary ideas
of alpha, beta and gamma decays and their selection rules;
Nuclear reactions, reaction mechanisms, compound nuclei and direct
reactions; Classification of fundamental forces; Elementary particles
(quarks, baryons, mesons, leptons); Spin and parity assignments, isospin,
strangeness; Gell-Mann-Nishijima formula; C, P, and T invariance and
applications of symmetry arguments to particle reactions, parity nonconservation
in weak interaction; Relativistic kinematics.
and amorphous structure of matter; Different crystal systems,
space groups; methods of determination of crystal structure; X-ray
diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopes; Band theory
of solids-conductors, insulators and semiconductors; Thermal properties of
solids, specific heat, Debye theory; Magnetism: dia, para and
ferromagnetism; elements of superconductivity; Meissner effect, Josephson
junctions and applications; elementary ideas about high
temperature superconductivity.
Electromagnetic Theory:
Gauss' Law and its applications; Laplace and Poisson equations, boundary
value problems; Magnetostatics: Biot-Savart law, Ampere's theorem,
electromagnetic induction; Maxwell's equations in free space and linear
isotropic media; boundary conditions on fields at interfaces; Scalar and
vector potentials; Gauge invariance; Electromagnetic waves in free space,
dielectrics, and conductors; Reflection and refraction, polarization,
Fresnel's Law, interference, coherence, and diffraction; Dispersion
relations in plasma; Lorentz invariance of Maxwell's
equations; Transmission lines and wave guides; Dynamics of charged
particles in static and uniform electromagnetic fields; Radiation from moving
charges, dipoles and retarded potentials.
Classical Mechanics:
laws; Phase space dynamics, stability analysis; Central-force motion; Twobody
collisions, scattering in laboratory and centre-of-mass frames; Rigid
body dynamics, moment of inertia tensor, non-inertial frames and
pseudoforces; Variational principle, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms
and equations of motion; Poisson brackets and canonical transformations;
Symmetry, invariance and conservation laws, cyclic coordinates; Periodic
motion, small oscillations and normal modes; Special theory of relativity,
Lorentz transformations, relativistic kinematics and
mass-energy equivalence.
GE Geophysics Paper III Syllabus
100 Marks
Radiometric Exploration / Airborne Geophysical surveys for
Geological Mapping:
of radioactivity, radioactivity decay processes, units, radioactivity of
rocks and minerals, Instruments, Ionisation chamber, G-M counter,
Scintillation meter, Gamma ray spectrometer, Radiometric prospecting for
mineral exploration (Direct/Indirect applications), Radiometric
prospecting for beach placers, titanium, zirconium and rare-earths, portable
gamma ray spectrometry and radon studies in seismology, environmental
Applications, logging methods, radiometric dating techniques.
geophysical surveys, planning of surveys, sensors, data corrections,
flight path recovery methods, applications in geological mapping,
interpretation of maps, identification of structural features, altered
Marine Geophysics:
and Seas, origin of continents and oceans, salinity, temperature and
density of sea water. Introduction to Sea-floor features: Physiography,
divisions of sea floor, continental shelves, slopes, aprons and abyssal
planes, growth and decline of ocean basins, turbidity currents, submarine
sedimentation and stratigraphy, occurrence of mineral deposits and
hydrocarbons in offshore. Geophysical surveys and instrumentation, Gravity and
Magnetic surveys, Instrumentation used in ship borne surveys, towing cable and
fish, data collection and survey procedures, corrections and interpretation of
magnetic anomalies, sea floor spreading, Vine-Mathews hypothesis, geomagnetic
time scale and dating sea floor, linear magnetic anomalies, Oceanic heat
flow, ocean ridges, basins, marginal basins, rift valleys. Seismic surveys,
energy sources, Finger, Boomer, Sparker, Exploder, Air gun, Vapour cook,
Hydrophones, processing, data reduction and interpretation. Bathymetry, echo
sounding, bathymetric charts, sea bed mapping, seabed sampling, dredging
and coring, Navigation methods and Position location methods.
Geophysical Signal Processing:
types of signals, sampling theorem, aliasing effect, Fourier series and
periodic waveforms, Fourier transform and its properties, Discrete Fourier
transform and FFT, Auto and cross correlations, Power spectrum, Delta
function, unit step function. Time domain windows, Z transform and
properties, Inverse Z transform. Principles of digital filters, types of
filters, moving average and recursive and non recursive filters Amplitude
and phase response filters low pass, band pass and high pass filters,
Processing of Random signals. Signal enhancement for gravity and magnetic maps;
regional residual separation, continuations, evaluation of
derivatives, pseudo gravity transformations, reduction to poles and
equator, Improvement of signal to noise ratio, source and geophone arrays
as spatial filters. Earth as low pass filter.
Remote Sensing and GIS applications:
concepts of remote sensing, electromagnetic radiation spectrum,
energy-frequency-wavelength relationship, Boltzman Law, Wien Law,
electromagnetic energy and its interactions in the atmosphere and with terrain
features; elements of photographic systems, reflectance and emittance,
false color composites, remote sensing platforms, flight planning,
geosynchronous and sun synchronous orbits, sensors, resolution, parallax and
vertical exaggeration, relief displacement, mosaic, aerial photo interpretation
and geological application. Fundamentals of photogrammetry, satellite
remote sensing, multi-spectral scanners, thermal scanners,
microwave remote sensing, fundamental of image processing and interpretation
for geological applications. Introduction to Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) spatial data structures, visualization and querying, spatial data
PART-B: 100
Solid State Physics:
and amorphous structure of matter; Different crystal systems,
space groups; methods of determination of crystal structure; X-ray
diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopes; Band theory
of solids-conductors, insulators and semiconductors; Thermal properties of
solids, specific heat, Debye theory; Magnetism: dia, para and
ferromagnetism; elements of superconductivity; Meissner effect,
Josephson junctions and applications; elementary ideas about high temperature superconductivity.
Josephson junctions and applications; elementary ideas about high temperature superconductivity.
Laser systems:
amplification and relation between Einstein A and B coefficients. Rate
equations for three level and four level systems. Ruby laser,
Nd-YAG laser, CO2 laser, Dye laser, Excimer laser, Semiconductor laser.
Laser cavity modes:
shape function and full width at half maximum (FWHM) for natural
broadening, collision broadening, Doppler broadening, saturation
behaviour of broadened transitioins, longitudinal and transverse modes.
ABCD matrices and cavity stability criteria for confocal resonators.
Quality factor, Q-switching, mode locking in lasers. Expression for intensity
for modes oscillating at random and modes locke in phase. Methods of
Q-switching and mode locking. Optical fiber waveguides, Fiber
Electronics and devices:
Semiconductor devices (diodes, junctions, transistors, field
effect devices, homo and hetero junction devices) device structure, device
characteristics, frequency dependence and applications. Opto-electronic devices
(solar cells, photo detectors, LEDs) Operational amplifiers and their
applications. Digital techniques and applications (registers, counters,
comparators and similar circuits). A/D and D/A converters. Microprocessor
and microcontroller basics. Data interpretation and analysis. Precision
and accuracy. Error analysis, propagation of errors. Least square
fitting. Intrinsic extrinsic semiconductors, pn-p and n-p-n transistors;
Amplifiers and oscillators; Op-amps; FET, JFET and MOSFET; Digital
electronics-Boolean identities, De-morgan's laws, logic gates and
truth tables; simple logic circuits; thermistors, solar cells,
fundamentals of microprocessors and digital computers.
e. Digital electronics, Radar systems, Satellite
Digital circuits, Number systems and codes, Combination logic
circuits, sequential logic circuits, microprocessor architecture,
functional diagram, Pin description, Timing diagram of read cycle, timing
diagram of write cycle. Data transfer techniques-Serial transfer, parallel
transfer etc. Radar systems, signal and data processing, satellite communication-Fundamentals
Designing a surveillance radar, tracking radar, signal and data
processing, radar antenna parameters, satellite
systems-communication satellite systems, communication satellites,
orbiting satellites, satellite frequency bands, satellite orbit and
inclinations. Multiple access techniques, earth station technology.
f. Quantum Mechanics:
Wave-particle duality; Wave functions in coordinate and momentum
representations; Commutators and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle;
Matrix representation; Dirac's bra and ket notation; Schroedinger equation
(time-dependent and time-independent); Eigen value problems such as
particle-in-a-box, harmonic oscillator, etc.; Tunneling through a barrier;
Motion in a central potential; Orbital angular momentum, Angular momentum
algebra, spin; Addition of angular momentum; Hydrogen atom,
spin-orbit coupling, fine structure; Time-independent perturbation theory
and applications; Variational method; WKB approximation; Time dependent
perturbation theory and Fermi's Golden Rule; Selection rules;
Semi-classical theory of radiation; Elementary theory of scattering, phase
shifts, partial waves, Born approximation; Identical particles, Pauli's
exclusion principle, spin-statistics connection; Relativistic quantum mechanics:
Klein Gordon and Dirac equations.
GE Hydrogeology Syllabus
of water: meteroic, juvenile, magmatic and sea waters, Hydrologic
cycle: precipitation, runoff, infiltration and evapotranspiration,
Hydrographs. Subsurface movement and vertical distribution of groundwater,
Springs, Classification of aquifers, Concepts of drainage basin and
groundwater basin. hydrological properties of rocks – specific yield,
specific retention, porosity, hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity,
storage coefficient, water table fluctuations – causative factors, concept
of barometric and tidal efficiencies, water table contour maps,
Classification of rocks with respect to their water bearing
characteristics, Hydro-stratigraphic units, Groundwater provinces of
India, Hydrogeology of and Zones of India, wet lands.
Section B: Well hydraulies and well design
of groundwater flow, Darey’s Law and its applications, determination
of permeability in laboratory and in field, Types of wells, drilling
methods, construction, design, development and maintenance of wells,
specific capacity and its determination. Unconfined, confined, steady,
unsteady and radial flow conditions,
Pumps tests – methods, data analysis and interpretation for hydrogeologic boundaries, Evaluation of aquifer parameters using Thiem, Theis, Jacob and Walton methods, Groundwater modeling – numerical and electrical models.
Pumps tests – methods, data analysis and interpretation for hydrogeologic boundaries, Evaluation of aquifer parameters using Thiem, Theis, Jacob and Walton methods, Groundwater modeling – numerical and electrical models.
Section C: Groundwater chemistry
quality – physical and chemical properties of water, quality criteria for
different uses, graphical presentation of water quality data, groundwater
quality in different provinces of India – problems of arsenic and
fluoride, Saline water intrusion in coastal and other aquifers and its
prevention, Radioisotopes in hydrogeological studies, Groundwater
Section D: Groundwater exploration
– lithological and structural mapping, fracture trace
analysis, Hydrogeological – lithological classification with respect of
hydrologic properties, Hydraulic continuity in relation to geologic
structures, Location of springs Remote sensing – hydrogeomorphic mapping
of the terrain using different images of different satellite missions,
lineament mapping, shallow groundwater potential zone mapping using
satellite images, Surface geophysical methods – seismic, gravity, geoelectrical
and magnetic, Subsurface geophysical methods – well logging
for delineation of aquifers and estimation of water quality.
Section E: Groundwater problems and management
problems related to foundation work, mining, canals and tunnels, Problems
of over exploitation and groundwater mining. Groundwater development in
urban areas and rain water harvesting, Artificial recharge methods,
Groundwater problems in arid regions and remediation. Groundwater balance
and methods of estimation. Groundwater legislation. Sustainability criteria
and managing renewable and nonrenewable groundwater resources.
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